Genuine Contact Program FacilitatorTraining |
Facilitating Change

Facilitation Training

Using The Genuine Contact™ Approach

Facilitation Training & Leadership Development

ElevateWork specializes in the Genuine Contact™ Approach.

Genuine Contact™ is a leadership and facilitation training program designed with simplicity in mind. It uses meetings as a catalyst to develop healthy and balanced organizations for successful, sustainable, optimum performance.

Genuine Contact™ is a program for building skill and capacity within the organization, for working with change. It is designed to keep external consultant involvement to a minimum, providing facilitation training and mentoring work only, so that working with change is led from within the organization. Leaders within an organization are taught to develop and use an operating system in which business is conducted with genuine contact at all levels on an ongoing basis.

Upon completion of the Genuine Contact trainings, leaders are authorized to teach the components of the Genuine Contact™ program to others within the organization, in an ongoing internal process, until the new operating system is functioning fully in a sustainable and effective way. During year one, during and following the initial training, a consultant to the organization coaches and mentors this "in-house" team as the "in-house" team leads the change process for its own organization.

The healthy and balanced organization is life nurturing, working as an interconnected learning organization. We call these organizations Genuine Contact Organizations(GCO). The process is organic so every organization brings about its own unique change from within, simultaneously enhancing skills, capacity and competency for working with change in our rapidly changing times.

For an individual to achieve optimum health, the individual must balance the system, cleanse and detoxify the cells and provide absorbable nourishment to the cells. Through the Genuine Contact™ program, individuals within the organization learn to achieve and sustain organizational health and balance through understanding and working with balance, cleansing, and nourishing the organization. Meetings are used as the catalyst and management learns to manage differently to do their part in sustaining health and balance for high commitment, efficiency, productivity, and results.

Facilitating Genuine Contact
Facilitating collaborative meetings and Genuine Contact

Genuine Contact™ Program is delivered as a series of workshops. Facilitation training days during the first year range from 12 to 16 days which are generally taken in groupings of 4 days at a time and spaced a few months apart. Additional external consultant time is limited to approximately 24 days through the course of the first year, supporting change and capacity building that is led from within the organization.

ElevateWork offers the Genuine Contact™ Program either as public workshops or as in-house workshops. If you would like to bring any or all parts of this facilitation training program into your organization or to your geography, please contact us. Workshops can be taken individually to learn a particular skill-set or in combination for further capacity development. For those who wish to work towards mastery in assisting organizations to achieve optimal performance, we recommend taking the whole series.

Genuine Contact™ is a Trademark of the Genuine Contact Co-Owners Group Inc

Transform your meeting culture into one of genuine connection and collaboration
Our training programs can be done in-person or online. Contact us for a free consultation!

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About ElevateWork

We are an international group of facilitators, trainers and coaches with a shared mission to elevate the world of work in collaboration with other like-minded, like-hearted leaders and organizations.

ElevateWork specializes in facilitating highly effective online meetings, holistic leadership mentoring and cultural change. Open Space Technology, Bohm Dialogue, online Open Space conferences, participative online meeting facilitation,  Cohering Community, and facilitator training are our specialties.

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