About ElevateWork - Work that works for everyone | elevatework.ca

About ElevateWork

Liberating the Heart & Soul of Organizations

Work that Works for Everyone

At ElevateWork, we envision a world of...

  • Work that works for customers,
  • Work that works for leaders
  • Work that works for employees
  • Work that works for the community,
  • And, work that works for the world.

We believe that when leaders and organizations are in touch with "soul", then work comes alive with the basic life force energy to thrive in a world of change!

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Genuine Contact Program

We are an international group of facilitators, trainers and coaches with a shared mission to elevate the world of work in collaboration with other like-minded, like-hearted leaders and organizations. With our core team and our international network of Genuine Contact™ colleagues, we can work with your teams on location around the world in multiple languages and cultures. In addition, we are highly skilled at online meeting facilitation and online Open Space events that will take participation and engagement in online meetings to a whole new level of connection and collaboration. 

We support conscious leaders like yourself in making a difference through your work. In partnership with you and your team, we'll uncover the 'secret ingredients' that will take you to an optimum, elevated level of performance that is grounded in a highly engaged, cohesive and collaborative culture.

Our ideal partners are purpose oriented, heart-centered leaders who know that there is a better way to do business and want to get back to the roots of why businesses exist — to create value for everyone: employees, customers, community, shareholders and the planet. You know your business, and we know how to genuinely connect and engage people with purpose and passion. Our passion is to help you liberate and activate the innate capacities and potential that may lay dormant within yourself and your team. You'll ignite our joy with every conscious step we take together in making a difference in your organization and for the world!

ElevateWork Core Team

If you are looking for a partner to help you expand the connection, engagement, capacity and vitality of your international team, please get in touch with us! We can work with you in-person or online.

Richard Schultz, ElevateWork, Canada

Richard Schultz has deep experience in the corporate world, spent over 15 years working in a variety of sales and account management positions for IBM and other software companies.

Since leaving the corporate world, Richard’s training and experience has become deeply embedded in the practice of facilitating and training people in "whole person/whole system processes". His attentive, authentic style and presence naturally opens the space for his clients to embrace and take action on the deeper changes or expanded potentials that are emerging within the system. Richard's favorite group processes are “Open Space Technology” and Bohm Dialogue. For personal transformation, he finds that there is nothing like "shadow-work" to reconnect people to the whole of their brilliance! His latest initiative is Cohering Community - a program to co-create the capacity to thrive together.

Johanna Wallin, ElevateWork, Sweden

Johanna Wallin is gifted in her ability to hold a safe, curious and open space that invites leaders and groups into opportunities for deep transformation. Being both an engineer and an artist she has developed a talent for safely handling the vulnerability of both innovation and creativity. Johanna's unique abilities include a variety of coaching and facilitation skills and methods that will expand and sustain the currency, flow, energy and prosperity of your business. Building nurturing and prosperous collaborations is her passion.

In Johanna's care, you can be courageous and create your heart's desire - whatever is needed in the moment and for the future.

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If you resonate with what we are saying, let's talk!

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About ElevateWork

We are an international group of facilitators, trainers and coaches with a shared mission to elevate the world of work in collaboration with other like-minded, like-hearted leaders and organizations.

ElevateWork specializes in facilitating highly effective online meetings, holistic leadership mentoring and cultural change. Open Space Technology, Bohm Dialogue, online Open Space conferences, participative online meeting facilitation,  Cohering Community, and facilitator training are our specialties.

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