Cohering Community for the Good of All Now |
Core conversations to bring community alive

Cohering Community

Creating Capacity to Thrive Together

Cohering Community

Creating Capacity to Thrive Together

Cohering Community

Core Conversations
To Bring Community Alive
For The Good of All


Join Us!

Are You Also Longing for Connection & Community?

Connection and community are at the heart of being fully human. At our core, we are relational, caring creatures. Deep down, we all have:

  • A longing for belonging.
  • A longing to love and be loved.
  • A longing to feel truly seen and heard.
  • A longing to feel safe and supported in a world we can trust.
  • A longing for our lives to have meaning, purpose and impact.

In these times of increasing fragmentation and distrust, many are feeling lost, unsafe, isolated, lonely, betrayed, and without meaning and hope. At times, the fulfillment of our deepest longings can feel far beyond our reach.

Could we be and do better together?

  • Together, could we regenerate the heart of being human?
  • Together, could we better fulfill the longings of our hearts and soul?
  • Together, could we make a greater difference than we each can do alone?

Are you hearing a call to come together for the good of all?

Community - The power of belonging

Coming Together For The Good Of All

Together, we can co-create a new human story energized by possibilities rather than problems. In conscious, connected community, we can expand our capacities to fulfill the longings of our individual and collective soul. We can expand our capacity to trust.

You are invited to join us in a circle-based learning lab to personally experience and practice core conversations that are foundational to building and sustaining coherent, vibrant, trust-based community. This journey will expand your relational and communication capacities, give you a felt sense of belonging, support and hope, and inspire you to participate in reweaving our social fabric through grassroots communities that act for the good of all. In togetherness, we thrive!

Cohering Community

Coherence Through Conversation

Peter Block is a master in community building. In his book, Community, he outlines six core community-building conversations that invite people into deeper, more authentic connection, laying the groundwork for healthier, transformative community.

Using these Block and other core conversations, combined with other community building practices, we will set out on our own journey of forming a community of trust while we explore the possibilities of including these practices into our lives and our work for the world.

Are you interested in facilitating change?

  • In laying new foundations to rebuild a more cohesive, inclusive society? 
  • Initiating your own transformative community circles, in-person or online?
  • Developing your own skills and capacities to build vibrant communities?
  • Learning about powerful conversations that engage community members?
  • Experiencing the possibilities that unfold within authentic connection?
  • Belonging to an ongoing, supportive movement and community of practice?
If so, then this program is for you! We'd love to have you join us!
Frequently Asked Questions
What can you expect?
What are the conversations?
What does this program cost?
What are you committing to?
What happens after?

Apply Now!

We are now taking applications for the next Cohering Community experience. If you are interested in taking this exclusive learning journey into deep community with us, then express your interest by completing the form below and we will contact you.

  • There may be a limit of 20 participants per cohort, so please express your interest early to ensure you get a seat.
  • The time/dates of the live sessions for the program have yet to be decided. Once decided, you will find the dates on this page, or if you have expressed your interest, we will send you email updates. Our program facilitators reside in North America and Europe, so expect the start times to be in the North American morning and Europe late afternoon or evening.

Complete the form below and then click the "Submit" button.

NOTE: Items with a '*' are equired fields
* First Name
* Last Name
* Email
* Phone
Please share something about yourself and why you are interested in Cohering Community,
What is your experience level in circle-based community building?
I have no experience
I have some experience as a participant
I have lots of experience as a participant
I have some experience leading circles
I have lots of experience leading circles
I am an expert at this and open to learn more
Please share any questions or comments you have about Cohering Community.

Meet Your Hosts

David Currie - For The Good of All Now

David Currie is the author of For the Good of All, NOW! a guide for embracing connection, oneness, and community. He draws on skills and experience, acquired over 40 years in both for-profit and non-profit sectors.  All the while pursuing his core beliefs in the power of community to restore its position as the primary source for the co-generation of the values that sustain a compassionate humanity and promote the good of all.

David is a member of the Prosocial Commons and a steward of the For the Good of All, NOW! group.  A commons organized purposefully as a gathering place for all who seek a coherent replicable path to successfully navigate through the coming major evolutionary transition. David resides in Binghamton, USA.

Richard Schultz - Canada

Richard Schultz

I am passionate about working with organizations and community to expand their capacities for authentic connection, leadership, collaboration and innovation. I especially love facilitating Open Space Technology meetings. I’ve had the pleasure of facilitating several peace conferences for Rotarians, co-founded the PeaceLeaders Collaborative and facilitated Greater Moncton, Canada becoming an International City of Peace. On a regular basis, I have hosted open, online Leadership Dialogues and Peace Cafés using the Bohm Dialogue method.

I resonate with Gandhi’s statement, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” For the last 20+ years, I have studied, taught and worked with hundreds of individuals to elevate their lives from the inside -> out by changing limiting beliefs, forgiveness, releasing trauma, and integrating shadow. I especially love doing “Shadow integration work.” 'Shadow,' often birthed in trauma, is at the core of most limiting behaviours and largely responsible for the polarization we are experiencing in our world today.

Cohering Community

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For the Good of All Now

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